Dear Members of the Symphony League of Beaumont,
The mission of the Symphony League of Beaumont (SLB) is to support and promote the Symphony of Southeast Texas (SOST). Please keep this mission statement in mind as you navigate the year. The mission of the SOST is not only to produce beautiful music, but to foster an appreciation of symphonic music and further the musical education of the region. I grew up with the SOST being part of my life, but I never realized how lucky we are to have a world class symphony right here in Southeast Texas. The SOST has been around since 1953 and come rain, shine, or global pandemic they have never missed a season. This is possible because of the support from the SLB and other community partners. That support is still needed. As with any organization, you can do as little or as much as you want in the SLB. I encourage you to attend a concert, volunteer as an usher, donate money, volunteer with our educational concerts or with the annual youth strings competition. You can always attend one of our fabulous balls-we are not only known for our hard work, but for our parties as well!
A community united by the ideals of compassion and creativity has incredible power. Art of all kinds – music, literature, traditional arts, visual arts – can lift a community.
Martin O’Malley
I am honored to serve as President of the Symphony League of Beaumont. We have so many dedicated members; it has been wonderful to work with them and now call them friends. It is my honor to follow in the footsteps of all past presidents and members of the League. As you take time away from your life, volunteering and organizing events, please know that the League appreciates everything you do.
Looking forward to working with all of you amazing women!
Rachel Grove, President
Symphony League of Beaumont